The MBR and GPT are both the partition schemes hard disks.In order to use a Hard disk it must have a partition scheme configured.
Partition schemes are essential to divide the hard disk into different partitions.
MBR stands for Master Boot record.
The MBR partition scheme was first introduced in 1983 with PC DOS 2.0.
MBR allows hard disk to be divided into Four primary partitions. These four partitions can also be further broken into extended or logical partitions.MBR scheme can be used on a hard drive having space not more than 2TB.
If the hard disk with space more than 2TB is used then 2TB space will be used and further space will be useless.
MBR scheme supports both BIOS (Basic Input Output System) and UEFI(Unified Extensible Firmware Interface).
The reason behind these limitations is :
BIOS systems with MBR disks use 32-bit values to describe the starting offset and length of a partition. Due to this size limit, MBR allows a maximum disk size of approximately 2.2 TB and a maximum of four primary partitions.
GPT stands for GUID Partition Table.
GUID stands for Globally Unique Identifier, it's a 128bit long Hexadecimal number containing 32 characters seperated by 4 hyphens and it is used to identify the partitions and information in computer system.
GPT partitioning scheme supports primary partitions upto 128 and and can address the space in zettabytes.
It works only with UEFI firmware.
This partition system is modern and removes the limitations of MBR.
With GPT partitioned hard drive it can be assured that its data is unaltered using the stored CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) values.
The reason of getting these advantages with GPT is :
GPT disks use 64-bit values to describe partitions. Thus allows larger partitions to create and use.
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